Strengths Coaching

Clifton StrengthsFinder is a powerful tool for understanding yourself and your talents.

Developed by Gallup University over 40 years ago, the StrengthsFinder coaching process has been shown to support people to be:

  • more engaged at work

  • more productive in their roles

  • happier and healthier.

The StrengthsFinder process consists of two parts - firstly, taking an online assessment which determines your Strengths, and, secondly, a 1:1 coaching session.

I was fortunate to be part of the first cohort of coaches trained in New Zealand in 2008 and I have seen many people benefit from coaching with this tool ever since.

If it’s time to discover, understand and better utilize your Strengths, I would love to support you through the coaching process. Please contact me for more information and a link to take the online assessment.

  • "Doing Strengths coaching with Charlotte revolutionized my understanding of myself."

  • "Strengths coaching has given me the language I need to describe to others who I am and how I tick. Most importantly, this has been a huge help within my relationship, but it has also helped me make sense of my place within my team at work."

  • "I cannot believe how much I got out of our 1:1 Strengths session. It totally brought Strengths to life for me, and now I know what everyone has been going on about all this time. Charlotte clearly has a great deal of experience in working with Strengths as her insights were extraordinary."

  • "Strengths has helped every area of my life - my parenting, my marriage, and my work. I wish I had done this sooner."